Sunday Reflections ✨ 2.23.2025

Sunday Reflections ✨ 2.23.2025

Have you noticed how easily the little things can get under our skin? Someone’s driving a little too slow when you’re in a rush, or an email comes through that’s unnecessarily rude. It’s so easy to feel that heat rise in your chest, to get caught up in the frustration before you’ve even realized it.

I’ve been there – probably more often than I’d like to admit! But here’s the thing I've been trying to remind myself (and maybe you need to hear it too): it’s just not worth it. Truly.

When I think about the energy it takes to fume over something minor, it almost feels like giving away a part of myself that I’ll never get back. My time, my peace of mind, and even my health – all drained by things that, in the grand scheme of life, won’t matter a week or even a few hours from now.

Instead of letting the little stuff steal our calm, what if we just... breathed through it? That slow driver? Maybe we take that moment to turn the radio up and sing, or notice the golden light spilling over the trees. The rude email? Maybe we step back, respond with grace and move on.

Life is so fleeting and precious. When we hold onto perspective, those tiny irritations seem to shrink. There’s so much beauty around us that’s worth our time – sunsets, kind words, laughter with those we love. These are the things that deserve our energy.

This week, let's choose to protect our peace. When the small stuff creeps up – and it will – take a deep breath and ask yourself, Is this worth my time? My heart? My health? And if your answer is no, just... let it go.

Wishing you a week full of ease and moments that make you smile. Take good care of yourself and the ones you love.
