Sunday Reflections ✨ 06.09.2024

Sunday Reflections ✨ 06.09.2024

There are many people who touch our lives and leave a lasting impression in our hearts. At Door County Candle, I’ve been fortunate to meet so many wonderful customers who have done just that for me. Today, I want to share a story about one special family: Paula, her daughter Giovanna, and their lovely family.

I met them last year after they saw us on NBC's The Wall, and from the moment we connected, it felt like meeting old friends. We exchanged numbers, and over the past year, we've stayed in touch. This year, when they planned another visit, they let me know ahead of time. We coordinated our schedules so I could be there during their Candle Bar experience, even juggling my farm market commitments to make sure I wouldn't miss seeing them.

When I walked in, the sight of their Ukrainian shirts supporting Ukraine, which Giovanna had coordinated for everyone, immediately warmed my heart. We spent the afternoon pouring candles together, sharing laughter, and creating more beautiful memories. Paula also made a special donation to Razom for Ukraine before leaving the store, which was incredibly touching, 

In a serendipitous twist, I had a special gift for them too: two beautifully hand painted Ukrainian eggs, known as pysankas. When I handed them to Paula, she shared an emotional story with me. Many years ago, when her father passed away, she prayed for a sign from him. That sign came in the form of a deer. As fate would have it, one of the pysankas I gifted her had a deer on it. It was a powerful reminder of the connections we make and the signs that guide us.

Sometimes, people come into our lives and make indelible marks on our hearts. This family is one of those treasures for me.

Life is filled with moments that remind us of the goodness in the world, and Door County Candle has highlighted that beauty for me time and again. If you ever feel like you can’t see the good around you, remember—it’s always there, waiting to be discovered.

Life is special. Thank you for being a part of ours.
