Sunday Reflections ✨ 04.07.24

Sunday Reflections ✨ 04.07.24

As the sun sets on another week, I'm filled with deep gratitude and excitement. This week has shown the power of passion, teamwork, and community. I'm thrilled to announce our new Support a Cause candle launch, a project brimming with hope and generosity.

In a special partnership with Make-A-Wish Wisconsin, we're spreading light and warmth to many lives. This initiative is extraordinary, involving a young wish kid's heartfelt contribution. She designed a scent at our candle bar that captures happiness—a fragrance that speaks to the child at heart. To cater to our diverse community, we're offering another scent option while ensuring that 100% of profits support Make-A-Wish Wisconsin's incredible work.

This collaboration is more than a campaign; it's a symbol of hope and resilience. The idea that our candles can brighten not just rooms but lives fills me with immense joy. I look forward to the impact we'll create together, spreading kindness and generosity.

This week, we selected Family Services of Northeast Wisconsin as our final quarterly "Support a Cause" winner. Their dedication to bettering the community is truly inspiring. As we shift focus to empowering nonprofits through our fundraising program, we reflect on the significant impacts achieved together.

Looking ahead, let's carry forward the spirit of impact that defines us. Let's keep creating, sharing, and spreading light worldwide. Here's to another week of making a difference and to the endless possibilities within each act of kindness.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Together, we're crafting a legacy of love, one candle at a time.
